Source code for pywind.decc.utils

import math

[docs]def decimal_to_degrees(num, seps=None): """ Given a float value and an optional set of seperators, return a formatted string. If the seperator has a precision value required that differs from the default of 2, then it should be prefixed with a colon, e.g. 3:$ would give a seperator of a $ character after a 3 digit number. :param num: The float value to parse :param seps: An optional list of seperators to use. """ rv_str = '' for sep in seps or [" ", "'", ""]: fmt = "{:02.0f}{}" if ':' not in sep else "{{:0{}.0f}}{}".format(*sep.split(':', 1)) rv_str += fmt.format(math.floor(num), sep) num = (num % 1) * 60 return rv_str.strip()
[docs]def latlon_as_string(lat, lon): """ Given a numeric lat/lon, convert into "pretty strings". :param lat: Latitude :param lon: Longitude :rtype: str """ if not isinstance(lat, (int, float)): raise ValueError("Latitude must be an integer or float") if not isinstance(lon, (int, float)): raise ValueError("Longitude must be an integer or float") return "{}{} {}{}".format( 'S' if lat < 0 else 'N', decimal_to_degrees(math.fabs(lat)), 'W' if lon < 0 else 'E', decimal_to_degrees(math.fabs(lon), ["3: ", "'", " "]) )