Source code for pywind.elexon.api

""" Information taken from the Elexon API User Guide.

from datetime import datetime

from pywind.utils import get_or_post_a_url, parse_response_as_xml, map_xml_to_dict

[docs]def make_elexon_url(report, version): return "{}/{}".format(report.upper(), version)
[docs]class ElexonAPI(object): XML_MAPPING = None MULTI_RESULTS = None def __init__(self, apikey=None, report=None): = report self.version = 'v1' self.apikey = apikey self.items = [] self.multi = {} def __len__(self): """ Returns the number of items available. """ return len(self.items)
[docs] def get_data(self, **params): """ Get data from the Elexon servers and attempt to parse it into a series of dicts each representing a record. Parameters are passed as a dict. Multiple sets of data are created in the multi member, single sets in items. """ if is None: raise Exception("ElexonAPI objects require the report be set before use.") if self.apikey is None: raise Exception("An API key is required to use the Elexon API accessor functionality") url = make_elexon_url(, self.version) params.update({'APIKey': self.apikey, 'ServiceType': 'xml'}) req = get_or_post_a_url(url, params=params) # print(req.content) xml = parse_response_as_xml(req) http = xml.xpath('/response/responseMetadata/httpCode') response_code = int(http[0].text) if response_code == 204: print("No content returned, but no error reported.") return True elif response_code != 200: print("No data returned. Error reported.") err = xml.xpath('/response/responseMetadata/description') print(err[0].text) return False if self.MULTI_RESULTS is None: for item in xml.xpath('/response/responseBody/responseList/item'): item_dict = map_xml_to_dict(item, self.XML_MAPPING) if 'activeflag' in item_dict: item_dict['activeflag'] = item_dict['activeflag'] == 'Y' if 'settlementperiod' in item_dict: item_dict['settlementperiod'] = int(item_dict['settlementperiod']) self.post_item_cleanup(item_dict) self.items.append(item_dict) else: for result_set in self.MULTI_RESULTS: self.multi[result_set[0]] = [] for item in xml.xpath(result_set[1]): item_dict = map_xml_to_dict(item, self.XML_MAPPING) if 'activeFlags' in item_dict: item_dict['activeflag'] = item_dict['activeflag'] == 'Y' if 'settlementperiod' in item_dict: item_dict['settlementperiod'] = int(item_dict['settlementperiod']) self.post_item_cleanup(item_dict) # print(item_dict) self.multi[result_set[0]].append(item_dict) return True
[docs] def post_item_cleanup(self, item): """ Holder for a subclassed function to transform the members of the basic dict into something more useful. """ return
[docs]class B1320(ElexonAPI): XML_MAPPING = [ 'timeSeriesID', 'settlementDate', 'settlementPeriod', 'quantity', 'flowDirection', 'reasonCode', 'documentType', 'processType', 'resolution', 'curveType', 'activeFlag', 'documentID', 'documentRevNum' ] def __init__(self, apikey): super(B1320, self).__init__(apikey, 'B1320')
[docs] def post_item_cleanup(self, item): if 'activeflag' in item: item['activeflag'] = item['activeflag'] == 'Y' if 'quantity' in item: item['quantity'] = float(item['quantity'])
[docs] def rows(self): for item in self.items: row = item.copy() row['quantity'] = "{:10.4f}".format(item['quantity']).strip() row['activeflag'] = str(item['activeflag']) yield {'CongestionCounterTrade': row}
[docs]class B1330(ElexonAPI): XML_MAPPING = [ 'timeSeriesID', 'year', 'month', 'congestionAmount', 'documentType', 'processType', 'businessType', 'resolution', 'activeFlag', 'documentID', 'documentRevNum' ] def __init__(self, apikey): super(B1330, self).__init__(apikey, 'B1330')
[docs] def post_item_cleanup(self, item): if 'activeflag' in item: item['activeflag'] = item['activeflag'] == 'Y' if 'year' in item: item['year'] = int(item['year'])
[docs] def rows(self): for item in self.items: row = item row['year'] = str(item['year']) row['activeflag'] = str(item['activeflag']) yield {'CongestionCosts': row}
[docs]class B1420(ElexonAPI): XML_MAPPING = [ 'documentType', 'businessType', 'processType', 'timeSeriesID', 'powerSystemResourceType', 'year', 'bMUnitID', 'registeredResourceEICCode', 'nominal', 'nGCBMUnitID', 'registeredResourceName', 'activeFlag', 'documentID', 'implementationDate', 'powerSystemResourceType' ] def __init__(self, apikey): super(B1420, self).__init__(apikey, 'B1420')
[docs] def post_item_cleanup(self, item): if 'nominal' in item: item['nominal'] = float(item['nominal']) if 'powersystemresourcetype' in item: item['powersystemresourcetype'] = item['powersystemresourcetype'].replace('\"', '')
# if 'activeflag' in item: # item['activeflag'] = item['activeflag'] == 'Y'
[docs] def rows(self): for item in self.items: row = item.copy() row['year'] = str(item['year']) row['nominal'] = "{:10.1f}".format(item['nominal']).strip() row['activeflag'] = str(item['activeflag']) yield {'ConfigurationData': row}
[docs]class B1610(ElexonAPI): def __init__(self, apikey): super(B1610, self).__init__(apikey, 'B1610')
[docs] def post_item_cleanup(self, item): item['quantity'] = float(item['quantity'])
[docs] def rows(self): for item in self.items: row = item.copy() row['activeflag'] = str(item['activeflag']) yield {'ConfigurationData': row}
[docs]class B1630(ElexonAPI): XML_MAPPING = [ 'documentType', 'businessType', 'processType', 'timeSeriesID', 'quantity', 'curveType', 'resolution', 'settlementDate', 'settlementPeriod', 'PSRType', 'powerSystemResourceType', 'registeredResourceEICCode', 'marketGenerationUnitEICCode', 'activeFlag', 'documentID', 'documentRevNum' ] def __init__(self, apikey): super(B1630, self).__init__(apikey, 'B1630')
[docs] def rows(self): for item in self.items: row = item.copy() row['activeflag'] = str(item['activeflag']) yield {'ConfigurationData': row}
[docs]class DERSYSDATA(ElexonAPI): """ Derived System Data """ def __init__(self, apikey=None): super(DERSYSDATA, self).__init__(apikey, 'DERSYSDATA')
[docs] def post_item_cleanup(self, item): item['settlementdate'] = datetime.strptime(item['settlementdate'], "%Y-%m-%d").date() item['activeflag'] = item['activeflag'] == 'Y' for key in item.keys(): if key in ['recordtype', 'settlementdate', 'settlementperiod', 'pricederivationcode', 'bsaddefault', 'activeflag'] or item[key] == 'NULL': continue item[key] = float(item[key])
[docs]class FUELINST(ElexonAPI): """ Instant Generation by Fuel Type """ XML_MAPPING = [ 'recordType', 'startTimeOfHalfHrPeriod', 'settlementPeriod', 'publishingPeriodCommencingTime', 'ccgt', 'oil', 'coal', 'nuclear', 'wind', 'ps', 'npshyd', 'ocgt', 'other', 'intfr', 'intirl', 'intned', 'intew', 'activeFlag' ] def __init__(self, apikey=None): super(FUELINST, self).__init__(apikey, 'FUELINST')
[docs] def post_item_cleanup(self, item): dttm = datetime.strptime(item['publishingperiodcommencingtime'], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") item['date'] = item['time'] = dttm.time()
[docs]class DERBMDATA(ElexonAPI): """ Derived Balancing Mechanism Data """ MULTI_RESULTS = ( ('bav', '/response/responseBody/bav/responseList/item'), ('oav', '/response/responseBody/oav/responseList/item'), ('ipbav', '/response/responseBody/ipbav/responseList/item'), ('ipoav', '/response/responseBody/ipoav/responseList/item'), ('ipbc', '/response/responseBody/ipbc/responseList/item'), ('ipoc', '/response/responseBody/ipoc/responseList/item'), ) def __init__(self, apikey=None): super(DERBMDATA, self).__init__(apikey, 'DERBMDATA')
[docs] def post_item_cleanup(self, item): item['settlementperiod'] = int(item['settlementperiod']) for key in item: if 'volume' in key or 'cashflow' in key or 'total' in key: item[key] = float(item[key])
[docs]class BMUNITSEARCH(ElexonAPI): """ Balancing Mechanism Unit Search """ XML_MAPPING = [ 'recordType', 'bmUnitID', 'bmUnitType', 'leadPartyName', 'ngcBMUnitName', 'activeFlag', ] CATEGORIES = { '2': 'Supplier', 'C': 'Additional Supplier', 'E': 'Embedded', 'G': 'Unknown', 'I': 'Interconnector', 'M': 'Miscellaneous', 'S': 'Unknown', 'T': 'Directly connected' } def __init__(self, apikey=None): super(BMUNITSEARCH, self).__init__(apikey, 'BMUNITSEARCH')
[docs] def post_item_cleanup(self, item): item['category'] = self.CATEGORIES[item['bmunittype']]